Monday, March 7, 2011


-my parent
-my life experiences

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Personal likes and dislikes

Personal likes and dislikes
In food:-
I like to eat different types of food. I like to eat pizza very much. It is my favorite food. I eat 3 pieces of pizza if it form pizza hut. Pizza hut made the best pizza I ever taste.
Also, I like to eat chocolate. I like galaxy, kinder, snickers, milk way, kitkat, mars. But I try to not eat chocolate very much  because it is unhealthy to my body .Besides, I like to eat ice cream , especially when its form Baskin Robbins .In addition , I like to eat waraq ainab . And it’s a famous meal in Egypt.

Vegetables and fruits:-
I like to eat Vegetables and fruits very much. In fruits, I like to eat strawberry and banana, pear, and apple. In vegetables, I like to eat tomato and cucumber. 
Vegetables and fruits are important to the body. They loaded with vitamins and minerals and they are essential for good health. Also, Vegetables and fruits boost your immune system and make the body able to resist the illness and infections. So, the experts suggest that we should eat five portions of Vegetables and fruits every day. Besides, eating vegetable and fruit increase the attention and reduce tiredness and its benefit to your physical and mental health.

In drinks:-
I like to drink floda. And its ice cream with fruits. Also, I like to drink capatchino. I drink it sometimes in the morning .I like also to drink hot chocolate. It is delicious.

I met many types of people but not every one of them T like him .I like the kind person who are affectionate. I like the person who are humble. I like the who are friendly . I don’t  like who selfish . I don’t like who did not respect the others .

My future career

My future career:-
Everyone think in what he wants to be in the future and he put a serious plan for his future. So, I decided to be a doctor since. I was a child but there are many kinds of doctors like doctor of osteopathic medicine. So, I chose to be a children doctor because I like to work with kids. I chose this career because I love to help the people and make them wellness. Also, I was dream to be a doctor since I was a child. Besides, this career is very important career because the doctor helps the people to be healthy. And they discover what the kind of disease in the patient. Also, they give patient medicine and they help the patient to treat. And some of doctors give advice about diet, exercise and sleep. So, I should be ready to become a doctor by studying biology, chemistry physics, math and English.
However, I tell my parent about my future career. Both of them have a different opinion. They both agree that and they say that it depend on me to choose my future career. But my mother said "you are sensitive and you can’t deal with this job". And my father said "this a hard job and you will tired so much but after of all that this you're opinion and you choose whatever you want to be".

The video talk about doctors. And there is special kind of doctors for children called pediatricians. Before of all, the pediatricians make up for the child by take the height and weight to make sure that the child grow up regularly. Also, visiting doctor can be stressful for children so the doctor should be gentle and kind. Also, he should know about how he will deal  with the children. There is a nurse help the doctor. The pediatricians should be able to take a quick decisions often when they are under pressure. Besides,  the doctor should be able to determine that injuries should treated in the office or in the hospital. It takes many years of training and studying to be a pediatricians. They should finish college ang four years for medical school. Training take 3 to 8 years.

My ambitions

My ambitions:
In my education:-
I hope to graduate from the school with excellent percentage. I will study hard to get a percentage up from 95. I want to get excellent percentage to make my parent proud of me. Also, the percentage will help me to attend to faculty of medicine. By my percentage and my career I will serve my country. And by this way I will thanks my country for its graces to me.

In my life:-
I have many ambitions that I want to fulfill it in my life. Firstly, I want to make my parents proud of me and I want them to forgive me if I do anything wrong. I want them to be proud and happy because I'm their daughter. Secondly, I want to be happy in my life and live a happy life without obstacles and problems. And the most important thing than those, I want to get the satisfaction's God.

-I want to be like him:-
Form my childhood, I listen people talk about him, about this man who supervised me in what he doing to his citizen and to him country. This man who is influenced on me by his achievements. When I become in 6 years old, I realized many things about him and I saw what he do to our country. I like his wisdom .I like his vision and his trust on his people .I like his ambitions. Also, I like his guidance. He deserves the love, philosophies, wisdom, and vision, political or otherwise. This man is Sheikh Zayed Bin sultan Al Nahyan. He is my model. I want to be a good leader like him. He learns me to not give up whatever happens. He did not give up when the expert told him that the desert cannot change to be green. He teach me many good things so why I can not to be like him.

Sheikh Zayed loved the desert and he was one of the rich men World. His people were love him  a lot and they are loyalty. Sheikh Zayed was humble and he liked the simple life. He was drive by himself to meet his people. He was give his people five thousands in the year.      
I learn new things about Sheikh Zayed and about his life.

My interests

My interests:-
In studies:
In school, I study 11 subjects but I like of the them. I love mathematics, biology, and chemistry and information technology.
According to Wikipedia, "Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change". Mathematics is an important subject in the life. We use it every day in counting, calculation and measurement. Also, mathematics is a necessary subject in many fields, including sciences, medicine, engineering and business.
I love math because I think that it a nice subject. I feel fun when I have a mathematics lesson. I like solving math problems. Mathematics is my favorite subject.

According to Wikipedia, "Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms". There are many topics in biology but most important of them are studying cells, discovering new species and inherited traits, studying genes and studying organism regulates.
I love biology because it talks about the life and about the species. Also, I like to study about new animals and new plants.

Chemistry is a science that study about matter and about the properties of it. Also, chemistry studies the reactions between chemical substances and study about atoms. Sometimes chemistry called "the central science". I love chemistry because I like to discover new things. Also, I like to test the chemical substances in the laboratory.

IT is one of my favorite subjects. It is the form of information technology. According to Wikipedia, information technology definition is "processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications". In IT lessons, we learn to work in many applications like designing websites, make video, create pictures and learn how to use computer. IT lesson help the student to be creative. I love IT lesson because it's exciting lesson. And, I like to use computer every day.

Painting is my favorite extra subject. Painting is an extra subject that learn the
Student how to paint, pigment and color. And how to create many amazing drawing. In art lesson, we learn many new things like drawing in walls, paper, wood, copper, glass and sand. Some painters think that the drawing may express their feeling. And some of the painters draw to get money. These types of painters like to draw the natural and the beautiful senses. I like painting because it expresses my feeling and I like to draw in my free time.

My hobbies:-
Reading is one of my hobbies. I like to read novels and stories. Sometimes I read it in a book and sometimes I read it on the internet. I like to read novels to entertain. I like the novels that talk about love and happiness.
Reading is important to mental health; it has many advantages to you. Damian Sofsian said in one of his article ". People would spend hours reading books and travel to lands far away-in their minds". This one of the advantages of reading, it makes the reader travel to another land and help him to gain knowledge.
Also, reading helps you to improve your writing and learn new vocabulary. The parents should teach their children the reading from my childhood to help him to have good language skills. Besides, reading is important to mental development and some research discover that the reading stimulate the muscles of the eyes. In addition, reading helps the reader to have great levels of concentration and add new skills to conversational skills of the reader.

Listening to music and songs:-
Listening to songs is my favorite hobby.  I like to listen to music when I feel boring and when I feel sad. I feel that I'm happy and I feel relax when I listen to songs. I like to listen to Arabic songs and sometimes I listen to English music. My favorite singer is Rashad Almaagd.

Surfing the internet:-
I like to surf the internet very much .I spend many hours in front my laptop. I like to surf the internet because I like to know about new information and I can connect with the world by internet. Also, I can meet new friends from different countries. I feel that the world is small when I surf the internet.

Ridding formula:-
I like to ride formula very much. I feel fun when I ride formula. When the formula go faster I feel refresh. And, I like the feeling of going fast and no one cannot stop me.

            :-Watch movies and series
I like to watch movies and series when I feel boring and I don't have anything to do. I like to watch English movies and Korean series. My favorite movie is {the princess diaries}. And my favorite series is (Brilliant legacy).

I have many hobbies I like to practice in my free time. Photography is one of my hobbies. According to Wikipedia, "photography is the process, activity art of creating still pictures by recording radiation on a radiation sensitive medium". This mean that photography depend at most on radiation in the UV. Many people use photography in business, science, f.i. photography and art. I become fond of photography when I was 13 years old. I think that picture express what happen in moments. Also, the photography remembers me about many events and happy moments. There are many type of camera like professional camera and digital camera .Every photographers like to use one of these types, but the most like to choose professional camera because it produce a nice pictures. And you can control the professional as you want.
This video talk about the pictures that I take it. And talks about my hobby (photography). And how I like to take pictures for nature and for the places that I go to it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Who am I?

My name:- Nouf Salem Alesaei.
Age:- 15 years old. I'm Emirati

City:-Al-Ain City
School:- AlMaali Model School
Birthday:-18th of June 1995
My favorite hobbies:- photography, chatting with my friends, using computer and internet, ridding formula and motorbikes, also I like to read novels.
My ambitions:- I hope to graduate from the school with excellent percentage. Also, I hope to be a doctor in the future. Besides, I want to make my parents proud of me

Sunday, February 27, 2011


In my blog, I will talk about myself; the topic is "About me". I wish that you will like my work. 
I chose this topic because I want to introduce myself to my classmates and I want to make them know about me. Also, I hope when they know me more, the relationship between them will be strong. In addition, I want to show my friend the creative side of me.
I want to know many things when I finish the E-CART. I want to discover my abilities and discover new skills and I want to know about my childhood and about myself more. Also,I want to know "Am I organize my time in good way". Besides, I want to know my self more.