Saturday, March 5, 2011

My future career

My future career:-
Everyone think in what he wants to be in the future and he put a serious plan for his future. So, I decided to be a doctor since. I was a child but there are many kinds of doctors like doctor of osteopathic medicine. So, I chose to be a children doctor because I like to work with kids. I chose this career because I love to help the people and make them wellness. Also, I was dream to be a doctor since I was a child. Besides, this career is very important career because the doctor helps the people to be healthy. And they discover what the kind of disease in the patient. Also, they give patient medicine and they help the patient to treat. And some of doctors give advice about diet, exercise and sleep. So, I should be ready to become a doctor by studying biology, chemistry physics, math and English.
However, I tell my parent about my future career. Both of them have a different opinion. They both agree that and they say that it depend on me to choose my future career. But my mother said "you are sensitive and you can’t deal with this job". And my father said "this a hard job and you will tired so much but after of all that this you're opinion and you choose whatever you want to be".

The video talk about doctors. And there is special kind of doctors for children called pediatricians. Before of all, the pediatricians make up for the child by take the height and weight to make sure that the child grow up regularly. Also, visiting doctor can be stressful for children so the doctor should be gentle and kind. Also, he should know about how he will deal  with the children. There is a nurse help the doctor. The pediatricians should be able to take a quick decisions often when they are under pressure. Besides,  the doctor should be able to determine that injuries should treated in the office or in the hospital. It takes many years of training and studying to be a pediatricians. They should finish college ang four years for medical school. Training take 3 to 8 years.

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